Germinated in early June in the kitchen; started hardening off on June 19th. I'm still moving these to and from the porch to get as much sun as possible, but I don't want to put them in the garden yet because if it rains they will overflow and they're not ready to be transplanted yet. I'm not really sure how many are left of each or where they are in the box, but I started out with 15 Roma, 10 Large Red Cherry, and 6 Beefsteak. I seem to be killing more tomato plants than anything else and I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. On June 28th, I added Vermiculite to the top of each cup to prevent Dampening Off Disease, but it seems to only be helping a little. Even after taking this photo I noticed about 3 or 4 of them have fallen over due to dampening off. Tomorrow I'm going to take out the ones that are dying and I've decided not to water the rest of them until they start to wilt slightly (this was recommended in one of my books).