Welcome to my garden!
... This past spring I started germinating seeds in the kitchen and attic so I could start a garden in the backyard. Because this is my first year gardening (and I'm unsure how I want to design my backyard garden), I choose to start a "container garden" for this year's season. I thought this blog would be a fun way to visually document the growth of each plant... and eventually the transformation of my whole back yard! Thanks for stopping by and happy gardening! :)

By clicking on any one of the plants in the Archive,
you can see the growth of that specific plant.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Miniature Rose Bush...

I got this at the end of last summer and kept it on the windowsill in the kitchen. It bloomed nonstop until the end of winter this year. Every once in a while I noticed little spider webs on it and thought they were really cute. Still not realizing these were spider mites slowly sucking the life from my plant, I moved it outside in the spring to get more sun hoping this would help. Eventually I read in one of my books what was causing the problem and majorly pruned it back (which should have been done before spring). Every day I spray this plant from the side with a really heavy water flow to wash off any spider mites that have come back. It is doing so much better now and I'm anxiously waiting to see if it will bloom this summer.